Ridiculously Simple Cryptocurrency Tracker

This project is specifically for people who like to buy crypto coins then hang on to them. You manually tell it how much you bought and what you paid, then at any time you can check the program which uses the Cointree API to tell you what those coins are now worth.

Download Version 1.1

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How to Use

Make sure the program has access to the internet through any firewall.
Edit the coins.ini file to reflect all your crypto holdings.
[Purchases] is the amount of money you have spent
[Coins] is for the number of coins you own.

When you buy more coins of any type, add the purchase price to the entry in [Purchases] and adjust the item in [Coins] to the new value.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does this interface with my wallet's API?
No. You need to tell the program how many coins you own. The only contact it makes with the internet is to check the current prices from the Cointree API.
How do I enter new purchases?
  1. Add or increase the value in [Purchases] to show the amount of money you spent.
  2. Add or adjust the value in [Coins] to show the number of coins you now own.
What if I want to make more complicated adjustments?
It's up to you how you want to adjust your numbers. This program is simple by design and best for people who buy and hold.
System Requirements?
.NET Framework 4.5.2